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docs:faq [2022/08/23 19:21] admindocs:faq [2024/02/14 14:32] (current) – [Resolving issues] olga.belaya
Line 28: Line 28:
   * [[docs:faq:how_to:export_import_settings|How to import and export settings]]   * [[docs:faq:how_to:export_import_settings|How to import and export settings]]
   * [[docs:faq:how_to:reverse_track|How to reverse a track]]   * [[docs:faq:how_to:reverse_track|How to reverse a track]]
 +  * [[docs:faq:how_to:convert_files|How to convert files to GPX or KML files]]
 \\ \\
Line 37: Line 38:
   * [[docs:faq:issue:offline_maps_not_shown_on_map|Downloaded offline map data are not shown on the map]]   * [[docs:faq:issue:offline_maps_not_shown_on_map|Downloaded offline map data are not shown on the map]]
   * [[docs:faq:issue:track_recording_not_working|Track recording doesn't record track correctly]]   * [[docs:faq:issue:track_recording_not_working|Track recording doesn't record track correctly]]
-  * [[docs:faq:issue:walkabout_blue_color|Refill and Walkabout offline map styles has blue background]]+  * [[docs:faq:issue:walkabout_blue_color|Topo, Refill and Walkabout offline map styles has blue background]] 
 +  * [[docs:faq:issue:fix_elevation|Fix incorrect elevation when following GPS track recording]]
 \\ \\
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   * [[docs:faq:question:multiple_devices|Can I install GPX Viewer PRO on multiple devices?]]   * [[docs:faq:question:multiple_devices|Can I install GPX Viewer PRO on multiple devices?]]
   * [[docs:faq:question:improve_gps_accuracy|How can I improve GPS accuracy?]]   * [[docs:faq:question:improve_gps_accuracy|How can I improve GPS accuracy?]]
 +  * [[docs:faq:issue:camcel_subscription|How to cancel my subscription?]]
  • docs/faq.1661282480.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/23 19:21
  • by admin