[[docs:faq|{{ wiki:faq.png}}]] ===== FAQ ===== \\ ---- ==== How to ==== * [[docs:faq:how_to:open_file|How to open gpx or kml file]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:simple_navigation|How to use GPX Viewer as a simple navigation]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:track_color|How to change track/route color]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:track_custom_color|How to change track/route custom color]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:graph_below_map|How to show graph below map]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:visualize_line_data|How to visualize data on track line]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:change_waypoint_icon|How to change icon for waypoint]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:change_waypoint_symbol_icon|How to change icon for waypoint symbol name]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:add_waypoint_symbol_icon|How to add icon for waypoint symbol name]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:add_custom_online_map|How to add custom online map]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:add_wms_map|How to add WMS map]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:show_openweathermap|How to show OpenWeatherMap]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:offline_maps|How to use offline map]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:offline_map_raster|How to add custom offline map data]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:offline_maps_directory|How to change directory for offline map data to SD card]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:offline_maps_style|How to add offline map style]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:record_track|How to record and export track]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:record_track_multiple_format_export|How to export recorded track into multiple formats]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:add_elevation_data|How to add elevation data to a track]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:automate_track_recording_tasker|How to automate track recording using Tasker app]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:generated_waypoint_icon|How to create generated icons]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:export_import_settings|How to import and export settings]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:reverse_track|How to reverse a track]] * [[docs:faq:how_to:convert_files|How to convert files to GPX or KML files]] \\ ==== Resolving issues ==== * Report an issue or a problem * [[docs:faq:issue:sending_crash_log|Sending crash log]] * [[docs:faq:issue:blue_online|Online map is blue or have another color]] * [[docs:faq:issue:gps_position_lower_part|Current GPS position is on the lower part of the screen]] * [[docs:faq:issue:offline_maps_not_shown_on_map|Downloaded offline map data are not shown on the map]] * [[docs:faq:issue:track_recording_not_working|Track recording doesn't record track correctly]] * [[docs:faq:issue:walkabout_blue_color|Topo, Refill and Walkabout offline map styles has blue background]] * [[docs:faq:issue:fix_elevation|Fix incorrect elevation when following GPS track recording]] \\ ==== Questions ==== * [[docs:faq:question:usage_license|How long can I use GPX Viewer PRO after purchase?]] * [[docs:faq:question:multiple_devices|Can I install GPX Viewer PRO on multiple devices?]] * [[docs:faq:question:improve_gps_accuracy|How can I improve GPS accuracy?]] * [[docs:faq:issue:camcel_subscription|How to cancel my subscription?]]