Table of Contents

Track Analysis


Underneath the statistics section graphs are displayed in case the track is containing elevation data. The number of graphs displayed can be between 0 to 4, depending on the number of recorded data
After clicking on the graphs, their detail is being shown. In the lower part of the screen preview of the whole track is visible and in the main part, the detail of the graph is displayed. Three dots next to the track name contain settings for tracks:

Another form of displaying graphs is within the map view after clicking on a specific track/route. How to show the graph below map can be found here. These graphs display the details of the track displayed on the screen. Above the graph from the left side, there is:

The options to customize the graph are:

Underneath the graph on the left side, there is an icon that allows choosing which data should be displayed on the Y axis.


The segments are finalized parts of the track. The segments are described with:

On the top of segmentation after clicking on the three dots next to the description users can choose whether they want segmentation based on the track segments or based on the specific lengths. Track segments are created after every finalized part of the track (in GPX viewer pro it can happen after pausing the recording). Specific lengths can be chosen from the menu or entered manually.