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playground:playground [2022/06/20 14:11] lucia.kubickovaplayground:playground [2024/02/09 14:16] (current) lucia.kubickova
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Track Recording ==== +====== PlayGround ====== 
-\\ +====== Nove mapy ====== 
----- +fhoivhwoti3
- +
-**How to get to track recording settings:** Open Left Main Menu > Settings > Track recording +
- +
-;#; +
-[[|{{docs:user_guide:settings:track_recording_color_setting.gif|400}}]] +
-;#; +
- +
-  * [[docs:settings_track_recording_profile_manager|Profile Manager]] - specific settings for each recording profile. +
-  * **Profile** - selection of profile for recording. +
-  * +
-  * **Select profile before start** - setting whether the recording profile should be chosen everytime before the recording starts. +
-  * +
-  * **Show options to add links** - option to enable users to add links to tracks and waypoints when exporting them into the file. +
-  * +
-  * **Show stats in notification** - track recording statistics in notifictions bar when track recording is enabled. +
-  * +
-  * **Show notification buttons** - track recording buttons in notifications bar when track recording is enabled. +
-  * +
-  * **Show continue track recording** - dialog to continue track recording when starting it. +
-  * +
-  * **Show stop confirmation** - when stopping the track, the window appears to confirm stopping.  +
-  *   +
-  * **Show open after export dialog** - show dialog asking whether to open exported tracks.  +
-  *    +
-  * **Line width** - width of the line displaying track, ranging from 3 to 26. +
-  *  +
-  * **Draw outline**  +
-  *    +
-  * **Color line by segments** -  +
-  * +
-  * **Color line by data** -   +
-  * +
-  * [[docs:settings_track_recording_colors|Colors]] - selection of automatic colors for recorded tracks. +
-  * +
-  * **Automatically export tracks** - after stopping the track recording, show dialog with track exporting options +
-  * . +
-  * **Automatically delete tracks after export** - deleting tracks from internal app memory after expoting them. +
- +
  • playground/playground.1655734281.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/06/20 14:11
  • by lucia.kubickova