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docs:functions_create_edit [2024/01/01 16:32] lucia.kubickovadocs:functions_create_edit [2024/08/21 15:19] (current) admin
Line 49: Line 49:
   - Tap **Create & Edit** button.   - Tap **Create & Edit** button.
   - This action will enable Create & Edit mode and will bring you back to the main screen.   - This action will enable Create & Edit mode and will bring you back to the main screen.
-  - Tap on the track you want to start editing.+  - Tap on the track you want to start editing (if your track has more than 1000 points, please use rather online map, because in offline map, editing might be very slow).
   - Select the trackpoint you want to edit (by default it is the last trackpoint).   - Select the trackpoint you want to edit (by default it is the last trackpoint).
   - After pressing **Trashbin button**, the selected trackpoint is removed and the previous and following one are connected with a straight line.   - After pressing **Trashbin button**, the selected trackpoint is removed and the previous and following one are connected with a straight line.
Line 59: Line 59:
 [[|{{docs:user_guide:functions:create_edit_edit_track.gif}}]] [[|{{docs:user_guide:functions:create_edit_edit_track.gif}}]]
 ;#; ;#;
 +**Basic actions:**\\
 +Short tap on the **Trashbin** button:
 +    - Deletes the last point added.
 +Short tap on the **"+"** button:
 +    - Adds new point on the map.
 +Short tap on the **Right Arrow** button:
 +    - Skips the previous point of the track to the current location of crosshair.
 \\ \\
  • docs/functions_create_edit.1704126737.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/01 16:32
  • by lucia.kubickova