Menu button - opens left main menu.
Toolbar action buttons - action buttons that can be customized by tapping on the … button, and in dialogue selecting Customize. If you have already hidden the … button, open the left main menu, and go to Settings → User interface → Toolbar action buttons.
Track name - the name of the current shown track/route.
Compass - map compass. When you tap on this compass map will be rotated so the top of the map will be to the north. This button can be hidden when you open the left main menu, go to Settings → User interface → Show map buttons.
Location button - when tapping on this button map will move and zoom to the location overlay. This button can be hidden when you open the left main menu, go to Settings → User interface → Show map buttons.
Zoom - buttons for zooming in and out on the map. This button can be hidden when you open the left main menu, go to Settings → User interface → Show map buttons.
Start icon - icon showing the start of the track/route. This icon can be changed when you open the left main menu, go to Settings → Track/route → Start and End icons.
End icon - icon showing the start of the track/route. This icon can be changed when you open the left main menu, go to Settings → Track/route → Start and End icons.
Location overlay - shows current location.
Graph position - when you tap and drag on the graph, information about the current position on the graph will be shown and also an icon on the track/route line on the map showing the position will be shown.
Scale bar - shows the current scale of the map. This information can be hidden when you open the left main menu, go to Settings → User interface and uncheck the Show scale bar checkbox.
Track info button - shows information about the track/route for which the graph is shown.
Graph time toggle - toggle whether distance or time track/route data will be shown on the x-axis of the graph.
Graph zoom toggle - this toggle button enables/disables whether the graph can be zoomed in or out by pinch gesture.
Graph data button - button for selecting which track/route data will be shown in the graph. You can learn more in
How to show graph below map.
The map can be controlled by gestures. You can move it by touching and dragging
, zoom in or out by pinching gesture
or you can simply double tap to zoom in, you can also rotate it by rotate gesture
and adjust its tilt by scroll gesture
. These map gestures can be disabled when you open left main menu, go to Settings → User interface → Enable map gestures.