Track/route information

Information about tracks/routes can be displayed by opening Left main menuTrack/route info. Here users can find tracks or routes categorized by their source:

Tracks allow you to see where you or another individual traveled in the past. Tracks contain track points, not waypoints or points of interest. They provide a record of where you have been, your path, and your speed. Tracks can be recorded also through GPX Viewer PRO. Routes are generally made up of a series of significant points along your path. The route is usually just a sequence of waypoints and can be planned directly in Trackbook point by point.

After tapping on any of them users can see the statistics and graphs analyzing the track. Not all of the data and statistics are available at all times, some of them need specific data to be recorded or downloaded. The information displayed in statistics:

By clicking on the three dots under the statistics, the editing menu is displayed with the following options: