
This is an old revision of the document!

Filebrowser is an internal built in file system where one can display all gpx, gpz, kml, kmz files. The default location to be displayed, is the one set as default in settings for saving the tracks. Under each folder user can see how many files supported by GPX Viewer it contains.

Users are able to rename, share, copy, cut, delete or compress the files. Users must note that all the changes will be also affected in the devices memory, however GPX Viewer Pro can not work with other file than gpx, gpz, kml, kmz files. And also it does not work in the bakcground, therefore all the files need to be acitvely deleted.

  • docs/file_browser.1659607671.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 10:07
  • by lucia.kubickova