
This is an old revision of the document!

Filebrowser is an internal built in file system where one can display all gpx, gpz, kml, kmz files.

The default location to be displayed, is the one set as default in settings for saving the tracks. Under each folder user can see how many files supported by GPX Viewer it contains. In a case users have set up in settings external file browser, after tapping on “Open files” the respective application is opened.

Users are able to rename, share, copy, cut, delete or compress the files. Users must note that all the changes will be also affected in the devices memory, however GPX Viewer Pro can not work with other file types than gpx, gpz, kml, kmz files. And also it does not work in the bakcground, therefore all the files need to be acitively deleted.

In the path, after clicking on house icon, the path changes back to the default location for saving the tracks, set up in settings.

After clickin on the three dots on the right side under the path, users have several opportunities: -Refresh - to refresh te folders, in case in the meanwhile some external changes happened. - Sort - by name, type, size, modification type. And also to reverse the order of sorting. - Create directory - in the current folder. - Download and open - to download and open files from internet - Select all files - selects all files in the selected folder. - Unselect all files - unselects all files in the selected folder. - Don't close opened files - checkbox to ensure that opened files wont be closed.

Search is located on the right side next to the path. The search returns the result only if its directly within searched folder, the search is not case sensitive and is able to find also only part of the names.

Files: Next to each file there is option to star it and add or remove it from favorites. After short tap on a file, the file is selected. After long tap on files the following options display: - Show full path - Rename - this change will change the name of the file in the whole device. - Share - options how to send or share this file appears. - Copy - copying file. - Cut - cutting out the file. - Paste - paste into the current location previously copied or cut file. - Delete - deleting the file in device. - Compress - compressing files into the kmz or gpz formats.

In a case more files are selected previous actions are executed for all of the selected files (except show full path and rename).

  • docs/file_browser.1659971239.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/08 15:07
  • by lucia.kubickova