
This is an old revision of the document!

Offline maps are available only in GPX Viewer PRO.

Offline maps are maps which can be used when device is not connected to internet, however they also work when device is connected to internet. But you first need to download them to your device. GPX Viewer PRO currently support only offline maps which can be downloaded directly in GPX Viewer PRO, it does not support custom third party offline maps as of yet. These offline maps are based on OpenStreetMap data. Basically when you download some offline maps, in reality you only download raw vector data for these maps. They need to be styled in order to be shown on the map. GPX Viewer PRO supports several offline map styles as is shown in the screenshot below. Currently it does not contain style which is similar to default OpenStreetMap map style, but we are working on to add this style into GPX Viewer PRO.

If you encounter problems that downloaded offline maps are not shown, please refer to this help page.

  • docs/offline_maps.1528184455.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/08/05 15:25
  • (external edit)