
This is an old revision of the document!

The track menu screen is consisting of search of the tracks imported into the application, track import option and thetracks themselves. waypoints.jpg

After clicking on the waypoints, more details are displayed:

  • Lattitude and Longitude - coordinations of the waypoints that can't be changed.
  • Color of the waypoint in hexacode, or also with possiblity to choose from pallette.
  • Symbol that should be displayed to represent the waypoint.
  • Name of the waypoint.
  • Description, often carrying the information how waypoint was created.
  • Comment on the waypoint.
  • Source the device on which was the Waypoint recorded.
  • Type of data.

The eye on the top of the screen disables or enables the appearance of the waypoint on the screen. Sharing button indicates export of the waypoint. More information about exporting can be found here.


  • docs/tracks.1671024606.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/09/08 14:45
  • (external edit)