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How to get to maps settings: Open Left Main Menu → Settings → Maps

Description of maps settings items:

  • Offline map - selection of currently used offline map style.
  • Online map - selection of currently used online maps.
  • WMS map - selection of currently used WMS map.
  • OpenWeatherMap - selection of currently used weather map overlay (Note: this overlay won't be shown in offline map mode).
  • Offline map data manager (PRO only) - add or delete offline map data (vectors, hillshade and contours).
  • Offline map style manager (PRO only) - add and edit offline map styles.
  • Custom online maps manager - add and edit your custom online map sources.
  • WMS manager - add and edit your custom WMS map sources.

  • docs/settings_maps.1658999813.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/07/28 09:16
  • by lucia.kubickova